Wednesday, February 7, 2024

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Ambulgul: The Lord of the Rings of Bulgaria - The new animated short film by Twenkid Studio | Амбългъл: Властелинът на пръстените на България: I част 

Ambulgul is a multi-personality creature which is searching his precious: the Power in the forests of Bulgaria. The new work from the series "Arnold Scwarzenegger: The Governor of Bulgaria" which was created using Arnoldifier, the deepfake library developed by The Sacred Computer to work with grayscale images for higher performance, by extending Deepfacelab 2.0. Find it on Github. 

This is the most complex Deepfake movie I've produced so far, utilizing almost two-figure number of different faces. It could be more advanced, but some compromises were made for faster creation etc., some directions for improvement of "Arnoldifier" are shared in the github repo. Also of course - a more powerful GPU and better source video*, I didn't use one with a high quality, it wasn't critical, actually a partial imperfection and "mystery" in the images is fine for animated caricatures and fantasy.

Амбългъл: Властелинът на пръстените на България: I част. [Сатиричен дийпфейк филм: анимация, комедия, фантастика, фентъзи, драма, 3 мин. Цветност: част цветен, част черно-бял. Език на звука: български и английски (със субтитри на български в картината). Автор: Twenkid Studio и авторите на The Lord Of the Rings. Премиера 30.1.2024

* It's rendered with a a still rolling Geforce 750 Ti 2 GB (2014 model), a part of the overall parody, LOL. "The power of Arnoldifier". :))

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