Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Abstract Addressing and Discontinuous Addressing Impede Processing in Generalizing Hierarchies

The article is related to the series of:  Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Rationalization and Confusions Caused by High Level Generalizations and the Feedforward-Feedback Imbalance in Brain and Generalization Hierarchies

The lowest level of addressing for human mind are:

- Orientation/position of muscles/bones.
- Coordinates in sensory matrices:
  - Visual coordinate on the retina.
  - Coordinate of a tactile input on the body.
  - Pitch of the sound.
  - Particluar tastes or smells.

A bit higher level, but still low:
- Spatial coordinates of the body within environment (probably related to hippocampus, "place cells", head orientation cells)

These are direct inputs to brain.

Selection, combination and generalization of them in space and time forms higher level coordinates/addresses. The patterns/concepts at different levels of abstraction in the cognitive hierarchy have higher level addresses, where higher level addresses and patterns are harder and slower to access and operate and require more context- and attention-switching.

The phenomenon is displayed for example in:

1. Using multiple monitors and looking right-left is generally more convenient than switching between two virtual desktops with a key or worse - menus

Unless you make a visual comparison between the images on the two monitors, then key-switching is more convenient; but for displaying different data, physical coordinates seem better.

2. Having a "to do list" or whatever materials for look up on a paper/notepad next to the monitor/out of the computer is more convenient for mind to switch focus.

Looking aside of the monitor or turning around feels like a "soft context/attention-switch", you don't get as distracted as you would if you have to travel through menus, open an organizer program, check "month, date, priority....". Take for example big paper posters like ones for conferences - you just have to glance it to find what you need. These are different spatial (physical) coordinates of entities as well.

However if the data from different contexts is on the same screen/physical address, that requires an additional abstraction/parameters to mark the different contexts.

3. Chains of intentional high-level operations needed to access abstract addresses impede processing and are more distracting than a single or chain of low level operations such as adjusting muscles/orientation or changing physical location

For example, if you have to open one place, to search there, then find a key to search for another location etc. (either virtual or physical locations).

Intentional actions involve the longest chains of access of different levels of generalizations. If many actions are needed, this implies it takes more time and it's like "crawling" the hierarchy and sweeping the buffers, then it of course will cause slower context-switch back.

4. Orders of patterns associated with flat numbers are easier to remember than if associated with abstract unrelated names

See "Friday, May 2, 2008 What is better for a multi-effects guitar processor's display - numbers or names?" http://artificial-mind.blogspot.com/2008/05/what-is-better-for-guitar-effects.html

5. Continuity within same coordinate system/address space (related to 4.)

Smoothness allows for simper encoding of the following steps and predictions.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

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Exoskeletons - Berkeley Bionics Human Exoskeleton

Do you want one of these super suits to carry your stuff? :) I do.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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Terms: Self-Improving General Intelligence (SIGI). Self-Improving Generally Intelligent Mind (SIGIM). Самоусъвършенстващ се Разум (СУР). Самоусъвършенстваща се мислеща машина (СУММ).

IMO "A" in AGI or "AI" is a redundant word, and what's more important in POV are the other terms.

- General Intelligence (GI)  - can be applied to humans as well
- Self-Improving General Intelligence (SIGI)
- Self-Improving Generally Intelligent Mind (SIGIM)
- Self-Improving Generally Intelligent Machine (SIGIM)
(SIGI & SIGIM are interchangeable; SIGI & GI can be applied to humans as well)

- Универсален разум (УР) или само "разум" - може да се прилага и за хора, и за машини.
- Самоусъвършенстващ се универсален Разум (СУР) - може да се прилага и за хора, и за машини.
- Самоусъвършенстваща се универсална машина (СУМ).   
- Самоусъвършенстваща се универсална мислеща машина (СУММ).

 Смисълът "универсална" се подразбира, дори и ако "универсална" формално се пропусне.


Self-Improving/Самоусъвършенстващ се means in the most general case in POV of B. K an mine:

- Improve precision and/or scope of predictions of future inputs based on past inputs.

For a true SIGI the process of self-improving should be as general as possible and as scalable as possible, keeping the trend for as long as possible, starting from raw intrinsically meaningless sensory input.

There's no "magic" here, unlike some fake AGI researchers assume there should be.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Richard Feynman - a Great Person, Physicist and a Born to be an Actor and Comedian. Talks Worth Listening To. In Memoriam

I recommend all of his talks for inspiration and fun. He's a hybrid of an ingenious physicist and a very talented actor and comedian - reminds me of Robert De Niro and Al Pacino; it's something about their common New York accent.

Richard Feynman, the Nobel, 'It's a pain in the neck.'

Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law - Part 7 Seeking New Laws (full version)

Feynman on Scientific Method. (Related closely to General Intelligence principles in AGI)

Richard Feynman - The Distinction of Past and Future.

BTW, a POV to irreversability of mine -- it's because of the bad communication between particles. The smallest particles/details, whatever their nature is, are correlated too much and are harder to be controlled by an external structure than to do what's already "encoded". It's hard to cause an action without causing by-effects which are uncontrollable or undesirable, but also unavoidable - that's related to the "quantum uncertainty".

The smallest particles are what drives causation, and they are supposed to have the smallest equivalents of computing power and memory compared to bigger particles; that's why their "behavior" is the simplest, have the shortest scope and seems "chaotic".

Feynman 'Fun to Imagine' 1: Jiggling Atoms

... All of the series ...

Feynman 'Fun to Imagine' 4: Magnets (and 'Why?' questions...)

Richard Feynman - The Character of Physical Law - Part 6 Probability and Uncertainty (full version)

Thanks to Alexander for sharing a link to some of Feynman's talks.
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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

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PETMAN - Boston Dynamics' new Stunning Humanoid Robot and AlphaDog

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