Sunday, April 22, 2012

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News: Announcement for an upcoming first AGI/SIGI, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary conference, organized by Todor Arnaudov and friends

First Conference of the Independent Society of Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary AGI/SIGI Researchers  

AGI - Artificial General Intelligence
 Self-Improving General Intelligence

Location: Plovdiv, Bulgaria and on-line tele-conferencing
Languages: Bulgarian and English
Date: TBC

Target directions

- SIGI, AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), UAI
- Narrow AI, Bridging AI and AGI, Generalizing aproaches from AI
- Computer Graphics, and Virtual World Graphical and Physical Simulations
- Computer Vision and 3D-Reconstruction
- Speech/Sound Recognition
- Robotics
- Natural Language Processing/Understanding/Generation, Comparative Linguistics ...
- Neuroscience, Neurolinguistics, Neuro-... Cognitive-... Comparative Nuroscience ..
- Developmental Psychology, Child Language, Language Acquisition
- Automatic Programming/Intelligent Refactoring, Automatic Software Optimization
- Brain-Computer Interface and Advanced Intelligent Human-Computer Interaction
- High-Performance Computing and GPGPU - General purpose GPU - CUDA, OpenCL etc. for
- Philosophy, Ethics and Futurology
- Cybernetical Metaphysics
- General Evolution Trends
- ...


Papers, reports, proposals, talks, discussions, workshops, ...

- Researcher and Developer, Presenter, Contributor...
- Student/Participant in discussions/Visitor - attending the events - lectures and workshops, asking questions and engaging in discussions
- Helpers/Assistants/Supporters ...
- ...

The major one is to gather the community the organizer has always been trying (aiming) to create:
- to initiate and push a stronger exchange of knowledge and ideas
- to help the creation of teams, support and collaboration
- to provoke other young researchers to join the AGI community

So far the participants are selected and invited by the organizer Todor Arnaudov, who's author of two of the first AGI University courses worldwide.

Details are to be updated and clarified.

If you're interested about the event, ask here or at: twenkid -- at -- gmail.

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