I wrote about this in my "Teenage Theory of Mind and Universe", Part 4, section 21", first published in early 2004.
(C) Todor Arnaudov 2004 (in Bulgarian)
English translation (C) 2011
21. Fuzzy logic and is it really fuzzy? [Also Truth, comparison … ], p.21 - p.25 in the formatting linked above.
This is one of the answers in a thread in the AGI List (I may add the responses here also now or later, stay tuned):
This section explains about principles of recognition and generalization in generalizing sensori-motor hierarchies,...
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Artificial General Intelligence,
Artificial Intelligence,
Thinking Machines
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
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Fuzzy logic and is it really fuzzy? - an excerpt about pseudo logical paradoxes, the non-impressiveness of fuzzy logic and some aspects of sensori-motor generalizing generally-intelligent systems - from "Teenage Theory of Mind and Universe", Part 4, from 2004 - for reference in a thread in the AGIRI AGI List ...
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Monday, June 18, 2012
Изкуствен интелект,
Изкуствен разум,
Мислещи машини,
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Monday, June 18, 2012
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Човешкият разум работи със списъци - избрана статия от сп. Свещеният сметач от 2003 | Human mind works using lists/sequences
Статия относно особености в работата на човешкия ум и някои функционални абсурди на човешкия мозък, които отбелязаи и за които писах още преди 10-тина година (в "Човекът и мислещата машина", и в основополагащите части на "Схващане за всеобщата предопределеност"), а по-късно и използвах термина "Парадоксите на универсалността на мозъка" в курсовете, които водих по-скоро.
Статията съдържа някои твърдения, които Джеф Хокинс прави след това в книгата "За интелигентността/ума" (On Intelligence) през 2004 г., затова че човешкият...
Friday, June 15, 2012
Computer Graphics,
High-Performance Computing,
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Friday, June 15, 2012
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High-Performance Computing - GPGPU - CUDA - OpenCL - OpenMP - SSE-CPP-Compilers-Optimizations - Supercomputing -- Excellent Resources | Високопроизводителни изчисления, суперкомпютри, оптимизация на код на С++, графични процесори и др.
While browsing some SIMD SSE optimized image processing code and digging from some time, I reached to a few excellent free resources for boosting your software, I recommend those:
Препоръчвам следните отлични матерали за оптимизация на код, многонишково/паралелно/матрично програмиране с CUDA, OpenCL, OpenMP, SIMD със SSE, суперкомпютри, оптимизация на код на С++ за различни процесорни архитектури.
Обработка на изображения, image processing, computer vision, компютърно...
Saturday, June 9, 2012
News: Nimbus DS, High-Quality Audio
Lately I've been establishing a partnership with the start-up company "Nimbus DS" - we've just completed the first distributed version of one of their products!
I now got a little piece of a high-quality audio-recording equipment which should wake up the lately sleeping media production of mine, I needed this little beauty in order to start producing the next productions.
Have been doing some warm-up for a major update and refactoring of my film production software, which so far I use only in-house, but aim (one day)...