See videos with other robots of BD.
Word: Boston Dynamics, robots, jump, wheels, jumping, mobile, mini, little, roboti...
Thursday, March 29, 2012
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Thursday, March 29, 2012
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Sand Flea Jumping Robot - Yet Another Amazing and Funny Robot by Boston Dynamics
Read More
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Artificial Intelligence,
Computer Graphics,
Computer Vision,
Human-Computer Interaction,
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
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Computer Vision and Machine Learning from the Stanford AI course (2011) - UDACITY - Sebastian Thrun lectures on Self-Driving Cars and Search Engines
I recommend checking those out, not bad quick intro to Computer Vision and links to leading research and technology, also some directions about sensory data procesing, Machine Learning and Self-Driving Cars (referred as Robotics there). NLP part is decent intro either, but for more technical intro, see another course, cited in my recent post.
I suggest the Computer Vision and Robotics sections at: for quick amusing visual intro.
Sebastian Thrun is very funny, he was the leader of Stanford...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Computer History,
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Cool Historical Computer Channel on Youtube
Have some fun: :)
This Is "The Gamer's PC" (1995)
The Console Wars -- XMas 1990
Words: MacinTosh, Lisa, Laser disk, CD-ROM, optical disk, 1985, 1984, computer, history, 386, 486, computer chronicles, Sega, Genesis, NES, gamers, 80-ies, 16-bit, 8-bit, TV, consol...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Artificial General Intelligence,
Artificial Intelligence,
Developmental Psychology,
Research Institutes,
Thinking Machines
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Thursday, March 22, 2012
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Human-Level AGI Within ~10 Years and AGI in the Formal Academia
A comment on Ben Goertzel's post: Ray Kurzweil's (Sometimes) Wrong Predictions
Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov said... , 21/3/2011, 8:53 PM
"...ragtag groups of mavericks"... :D
My personal prediction from 2 years ago [in an interview, posted there] which I still hold is that there will be human-level AGI at one-level or another (even if it's childish or incomplete) by the end of the decade, and once a break-through is made, the rest would be easy.
In my opinion there's an apparent technological spike in the last few years, and...
Friday, March 16, 2012
Computational Linguistics,
Computer Vision,
компютърна лингвистика,
Компютърно зрение,
Обработка на естествен език
by Todor "Tosh" Arnaudov - Twenkid
Friday, March 16, 2012
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News: Computer Vision, NLP etc. - On-line Courses from Berkeley, Stanford, MTU
A friend noticed me about those. The Stanford NLP course might be good for refreshment of knowledge or for a thorough introductory study, but it's too engaging and I personally don't like the copyright policy that's mentioned.
My personal suggestion is enrolling for the Computer Vision course from Berkeley:
If you're looking for an on-line NLP course, I suggest to check out the course of my fellow Bulgarian researcher Preslav Nakov, who had a degree from Berkeley, if you care for this. He taught...
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Рок учен: Гласувайте за моята инструментална пиеса "Ремонт на сърцето" в конкурса на "Денис и приятели"!

Песен на месец март:
(Клипът "не е клип" и не е изпипван, просто е сглобено макс. бързо от кадри от друг клип (виж линк от там), колкото да има образ в ютюб)