Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2023
NEURAL OPTIMAL TRANSPORT, Alexander Korotin, Daniil Selikhanovych, Evgeny Burnaev
We present a novel neural-networks-based algorithm to compute optimal transport maps and plans for strong and weak transport costs. To justify the usage of neural networks, we prove that they are universal approximators of transport plans between probability distributions. We evaluate the performance of our optimal transport algorithm on toy examples and on the unpaired image-to-image translation
As of the optimal transport - as discussed in the darker ages of AGI, IMO at a high level many or all working approaches are actually analogical, homeomorphic, isomorphic and convergent. The same problems are solved with different terminology and formulation. Some minimize the "earth mover's distance (Wasserstein distance), other "the energy" or "the free energy", or the "cost", or find the maximum "reward" (which is functionally the same), shortest path. An underground AGI-er which I know is also framing the problem as a logisitcs one, transporting "items". Numenta's/Hawkin's "frames of reference", Levin's/Field's "navigating different spaces" (which is also a direct consequence of just that the Universe is a Computer, and the basic cognitive primitives of time, space, causality; see also :"Embodiment is just coordinate spaces, interactivity and modalities - not a mystery"
Deep learning in general is doing that, minimizing "the loss function", the difference, maximizing match, and the sequences of activations could be viewed as "paths". Another interpretation, which is similar, is Clustering (CogAlg, also Theory of Universe and Mind, which encompasses many views). It is all "variational computation", "optimization" and mapping (matching) etc., within the hierarchical prediction-causation, and the actual problem is the definition of adequate configurations, core representations of the problem spaces, the space of the development, the possible actions and measurements etc. The rest are the technical details of the "optimization", the traversal of these spaces, which is search and match. Etc. The huge datasets are probably the bigger part of these spaces and that's one reason why the DL critics are blaming them for being "just big DBs", "hash tables" etc. See "Unvierse and Mind 6" when it is published with notes about why they are not "just...":
Now the "embeddings" or "vectors" are the preferred terms of what was formats, representations, records, general "types" of the data.
That reminds me of a short rant of B.K. where he complains about the underground AGI developers, "hackers", who claimed they knew the "secret of AGI", but they kept it proprietary etc., on Twitter. They could have only tricks, but they couldn't explain it etc.
Well, IMO there's no secret at the broad theoretical level. AGI was conceptually explained and clear as of what is required to be performed, to achieve computationally and what to "optimize" in the early 2000s (prediction-compression, hierarchy, incremental precision and range, multimodality, intermodality, "creativity is imitation at the level of algorithms" etc.), e.g. in the works/ideas which I try to get credit for being rediscovered and now praised by academic researchers - The Theory of Universe and Mind. The secret could be in efficiency, as the "cranks" and the ones with less resources are required to be more clever, but with more or less resources, if a system is demonstrating AGI and is able to communicate, to produce comparable patterns, to solve corresponding problems another AGI/human/cognitive system, that implies that they have some isomorphic structures and representations at some level or some way of reviewing/observing/measuring them. Etc.
Back to Skoltech:
The institute is interdisciplinary and has diverse research directions, not only AI, and it's founded in 2011 in a collaboration with MIT.
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) in Moscow is a new model university in Russia, established with the vision of being a world-leading institute of science and technology. Skoltech mission is to impact economy and society development based on academic and technology excellence and entrepreneurial spirit. Integrating entrepreneurship and innovation, Skoltech delivers graduate educational programs to shape next generations of leaders in science, technology and business. Skoltech is recognized among top-100 world young universities in Nature Index ranking, taking # 65 place. https://360.skoltech.ruA summary of the AI department:
"Find out more about Skoltech AI research groups:
Computational Intelligence, Prof. Ivan Oseledets Mobile Robotics, Prof. Gonzalo Ferrer Natural Language Processing, Prof. Alexander Panchenko Intelligent Signal and Image Processing, Prof. Anh Huy Phan Multiscale Neurodynamics for Intelligent Systems, Prof. Jun Wang Mathematical Foundations of AI, Prof. Dmitry Yarotsky AI & Supercomputing, Prof. Sergey Rykovanov Quantum algorithms for machine learning and optimisation, Prof. Vladimir Palyulin Computational Imaging, Prof. Dmitry Dylov AI for Materials Design, Prof. Alexander Shapeev AI-driven Modeling, Prof. Ekaterina Muravleva Parallel algorithms for AI, Prof. Alexander Mikhalev Tensor Networks & Deep Learning, Prof. Andrzej Cichocki"
INSAIT’s mission is to establish a first-of-its-kind research institute for computer science and artificial intelligence in Eastern Europe with sole focus on scientific excellence. INSAIT’s faculty and staff will conduct world-class research, attract outstanding international scientists, and training the next-generation of graduate and undergraduate students.
INSAIT is expected to have transformational effects on society and economy at large: attracting high-quality diverse talent to the region, preventing brain drain, creating new state-of-the-art educational programs, pushing towards a more product-driven economy by inventing high-valued intellectual property (IP), enabling deep research-guided technological companies, attracting big technology companies, and many more.
Compare to the Sacred Computer's Mission and Strategy from 2003, 21 years ago:
(Originally in Bulgarian, Translated by GT)
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