After the first experimental SIGI conference (Self-improving general intelligence) happened a few weeks ago:
SIGI stands for Self-Improving General Intelligence
AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence
AGI stands for Artificial General Intelligence
I'd like to invite you to join the second edition!
Current approximated date is the late September.
Main Aspects of the
SIGI 2012, Part 2
- It's free - no fees.
- Participants may present works, but also can just watch/read/comment/discuss/ask questions etc., if they don't have or don't want to participate with a complete work.
- No limitations of the format of the works - can be papers, slides, video/graphical demos, audio records of talks, even code if you wish to share - whatever. There are no explicit limits for the size either. It's up to you, just keep in mind that too complex and big works may be too big bite for the other participants,and it might be better if you focus on something smaller. See below also.
- Online - it will be mainly online.
- The reviewing process will be during the proceedings themselves, which will be in three stages:
1) Initially the participants send works. It's recommended to send some sort of multimedia, - a presentation, with voice over/video, besides just a paper, it will make more natural contact with the other participants also, and this conference aims to build some real inter-personal contacts and to allow future collaboration and incorporation.
The SIGI conferences also aim to make the similarities and differences between similar works more clearer and explicit - it may help researchers sharing similar approaches and school of thought to see better their ideas in the big picture.
The SIGI conferences also aim to make the similarities and differences between similar works more clearer and explicit - it may help researchers sharing similar approaches and school of thought to see better their ideas in the big picture.
You may upload the work anywhere on your place and give a link, a site for slides sharing, video sharing site, or upload it on the forum of the society, - whatever. As authors it's up to you. You may also not upload it anywhere, and present it during the "real time action" in the third stage.
2) In parallel there's another period of time when the participants could read, study, review each-others materials wherever they have time etc.
Participants may mark their interest, may pose some questions - but the authors are not obliged to answer immediately. Different questions are collected, and then they are answered during the next stage, the meeting. Possible place for the initial "marking" and questions might be the Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplonary forum:
3) The "real time action" is when the participants will gather and discuss in one way or another
Depending on the participants and materials, there will be windows for each of them, for appropriately long reviews of the works. There could be very short (just to introduce the topic) and immediately questions & discussion, or there could be longer sessions when the whole work is presented online at the moment.
Tele-conferencing and other online methods will be used to simplify and ease operation. Groups may gather physically in conference nodes if there are enough participants in particular sites.
Slower messaging and off-conference communication are possible also.
- The time-windows for the proceeding will be negotiated by the participants depending on their time-zones, work load etc.
- The SIGI conference will be held as often as the participants from the independent society manage and wish to - it might be as often as a few weeks, as long as there are appropriate interest and materials.
- Works from previous editions can be re-iterated in future editions, if there's interest by new participants, new ideas/questions/notes/extensions etc.
- Sequences of works are allowed - you might be tempted to present a very big work, but it might be better if you divide it in smaller digestable chunks, and present them in a sequence in several conferences, to assure the others will invest the time and understand you.
- This document might be edited and updated :)
Please, mark your interest if you want to join, and contact me here or by the email in my profile and , I'll keep in touch with you about the organizational details.
Updates will be published here as well, but perhaps less complete.
(Don't worry if you don't receive an answer immediately, I may answer in "batch mode" a bit later)

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