Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Yale Open University - Open Courses Done Right | Отворени лекции от Йейл - Фундаментална Физика

Remember my post about the quasi-free courses (the trendy ones lately) which were threatening you with legal actions against you? Open Yale courses seem to be different: It's Creative Commons, therefore you can use and share for educational purposes the materials - video, sound, transcripts - without being threatened. I would recommend myself the Fundamental Physics courses, - excellent coverage with an excelent and very funny teacher. In general, the "novelty" promoted by the major online courses...
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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

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Анимация, озвучаване, актьорска игра: Озвучаване на трейлър на анимационен филм - забавно :))

English: A funny online competition on a video sharing Bulgarian site for writing an original script (if you can, using your worlds) and voice acting over a trailer of an upcoming animated movie. Обновено: 14/10/2012 Благодаря за подкрепата! :P Не ме избраха да озвучавам герой от филма, но с 32 гласа бях в челото на класирането на публиката, а също и по гледанията (от около 220-230 участници) - 10 м. по положителни гласове - и пише,...
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