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T4, Termination Salvation was stunning! Wow.I turned 25 recently and the judgment day is approaching... No, I'm not that mad... :))
August 18-th, or as they called it in advance - The Judgment Day, or The Day of Termination.
The day when Todor terminates his contract as an ASIC Verification Engineer.
From then on, he focuses on Show Business and Research, and shortly he reaches to a series of spectacular breakthroughs in Art, Media, Cinema and Artificial Intelligence.
Wish so... :))
I'm putting video production online by Twenkid Studio, for Bulgarian "market" only, but I'm still failing to reach to "viral effect". Too few viewers, several hundreds up to 1000. Working on a number of shorts, but too tiny free time... A new approach is conceived, but not enough time yet.
"The Gift" short film, a dream of mine, needs so much time and concentration for its most complex scenes and special effects, that I hardly can find now... Hope I'll manage to work on it soon...
Back to gaming...
So, I'm Inhuman! :P
So, I'm Inhuman! :P

Target - To become a Godlike... :-]

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