Thursday, January 29, 2009

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In Brief...


This enterprise was canceled for now. I've been in hardware engineering, and I see it takes so much time and is so complicated to implement algorithms which are actually so simple. :)
Software is a much better approach for research of new architectures. Of course!


You know GeForce and GPU? :) GPGPU is General Purpose GPU. My turn back to CGI and a friend of mine who's deep inside it reminded me that this is maybe a better tool to reach to high computing power if needed.

- AI, FPGA, GPGPU, GRID, Computing power???

Generally I don't think computing power is the problem of AI anyway. IMHO we've got more than enough. The problem is the lack of adequate human thinking power. All that zillions of instructions per second and more important: MEMORY accessible by that computing power, are used to calculate boring static things like a zillion of triangles (sorry, not that it's not cool), each of them resulting to something as trivial as a new triangle. Or a pixel, which results in another pixel. Or physics calculations which are reduced to a movement of a barrel . Or weather forecast, which finally is reduced to degrees in Celsium.

Of course that if the algorithms run on these machine are static and do not evolve, they will not lead to anything new like intelligence.

We've got so much memory now, especially those guys with big heads and big super computers. The problem is us, not the hardware.

Con: You're dreaming! You're a mad scientist! Do you know how many neurons, each neuron, 5 zillion PETAFLOPS, blah-blah, brain, evolution, blah-blah. When we reach computing power, blah-blah-blah! In 15-20 years! Blah!

- I agree that we certainly need the cumulative abstract computing power of the Universe needed for a part of it to evolve to an AI to be reached, but I do not that it is related to local. Oh. Sorry, I will not argue. Yes, I am a mad scientist, watch me in Twenkid Studio's "The Lectures of Professor Matematikov" when it is screened on your TV or in selected Youtube channels. Bye now!

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

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Back to CGI - Visual Special Effects | Връщам се към компютърната графика - визуални специални ефекти

Български - по-долу

I am supposed to turn back to Computer Graphics, Image Processing and Computer Vision, because I need to add some visual magic to the epic movie "The Gift", which is in production now. Not that I will not enjoy going back to Image processing. :) I've just been too busy with other stuff recently.

Below, a short sequence, composed by "Magician" - an experiment I did in 2005.
No blue/green screen, so composition is perfect without artifacts and with smooth noise.
Експеримент от 2005-та. Не е използван зелен екран, а съчетаване на успоредни кадри.

What about the movie?

"The Gift" is supposed to be a stunning film.
A film like no other.
A short film, but not too short - maybe 15+ minutes, maybe 20 minutes. Or maybe more.
Yet unknown.
But long enough to tell an epic story.

Stay tuned if you want to know more.


Вращам се към компютърната графика, обработката на изображения и компютърното зрение... :) Искам да придам малко вълшебство в един от филмите по които работя - "Подарък".

Ще видим какво ще излезе...

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Saturday, January 3, 2009


Филмите "Сватбата" и "Петранка", и системата за работа с корпуси | "The Wedding" (film) and a Corpus processing system in progress

Kostadinka Deleva in "Petranka" (working title)
A short film by Todor Arnaudov, Kostadinka Deleva and Luba Piperova

Frames from "The Wedding", Todor Arnaudov's short film

Български и повече подробности - по-долу

Twenkid - The film studio of Tosh

Kick-start of 2009... Two new short films are in production. The picture of an absurd report-fantasy-comedy-parody short film called "The Wedding" (~14 min) is almost finished, the movie needs some dubbing and post-production.

Another short comedy (few minutes), working title "Petranka" was shot on the Christmas day. Story and starring - my grandmother Kostadinka Deleva. :)

Twenkid Research

Corpus processing system project is alive! Frequency and distribution analysis have started.

Ударно начало за 2009-та година...

Twenkid Studio - Филмовото студио на Тош

За няколко дни доведох до почти монтирано състояние късометражния филм "Сватбата" (ок. 14 мин), който разказва по необичаен "документално-фантастично-абсурдно-смешен" начин за церемонията по връчване на дипломите на випуск 2008 във ФМИ на ПУ.

На връх Рождество Христово почти заснех свръхкратката комедия с раб. заглавие "Петранка" (няколко минути). Оригиналната история и главната роля е на Костадинка Делева - моята скъпа баба.

Twenkid Research

Събудих старите си намерения за мощна система за създаване и обработка на корпуси.
Системата вече може да прави прости честотни анализи на текстове.

"Схващане за всеобщата предопределеност 2" - философия, метафизика и др.
Писма между Тодор Арнаудов и Ангел Грънчаров, 2002 г.

Думи: 55930
Различни: 9031

2247: да
1854: на
1310: се
1190: не
834: от
769: че
685: си
463: са
318: защото
134: науката
129: човек
127: човека
113: човекът
75: живота
61: години
60: вселената
55: смисъл
54: време
51: бог
42: тодор
41: душата
41: света
41: мисли
41: удоволствие
41: разум
40: машина
40: душа
39: наука
39: свят
37: информация
36: ден
36: бъдещето
36: част
35: ум
35: ангел
35: свободата
34: земята
33: машината
32: система
32: думи
32: мисълта
32: хората
30: машините
29: отношение
29: свобода
27: религията
27: бога
27: сметачите
26: съществуването
26: закони
26: памет
26: философията
25: ума
25: животът
24: истина
24: хора
23: числа
23: стихията
23: човеци
23: истини
23: сметач
22: вселена
21: музиката
21: въпрос
21: развитието
20: място

Като ги гледам тези хубави данни, взима да ми се прави автоматично резюмиране и разпознаване на жанра. Дори в този елементарен анализ, най-честите думи силно подсказват темата на текста.
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